So 1 year of ownership and 28400 miles done! This means almost 80 miles a day on average. Given my average speed is 40 mph that means more than 700 hrs spent driving the car. About 6 MW of energy used. The fact is an electric vehicle makes you drive more and enjoy it ever more compared to a gasoline dirty, noisy and polluting contraption. And my i3 still smells like new! I have learned so many things and among them that BEVs are far superior to fossil fuel crappy cars. As ICE vehicle are inferior by the very design. Many more years of superior driving experience to come! For the financial part... I paid maybe $50 in electricity costs for the year vs. 4-5k in gas I would have paid assuming 80-100 fillups. On top of the 7.5k federal tax credit I got that means I was way positive cash flow this year as if I was paid to have the car and drove it for free. Not bad.